Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I know I have been majorly slacking on the wedding updates! For the few of you that read this anyway I apologize. Tomorrow I can officially say " I'm getting married next month!" how crazy is that. It blows my mind how fast the wedding is approaching and although I don't have a ton to do right now I feel like I am sure there are a million things I should be getting done.

I am sure I am not the only bride to be that has wedding nightmares. Mine have started. Usually its a problem with my appearance. Maybe I am self centered who knows. But All the wedding nightmares I have had so far involve : problems with my dress (it's not done, it looks awful, etc.), I've forgotten to do my makeup, I've forgotten to get my hair done. Now I know in real life all of these things are impossible. SOMEONE would be telling me to go to my hair appointment, as if I could forget. So who knows why my dreams have been illogical but they have. My matron of honor has also had dreams about my wedding where we got into a fight, and my grandma was dreaming about problems with my wedding dress, though that is probably because she is the one making it! Does anyone else have some good pre-wedding dream stories?

One new thing is that my friend Alli has agreed to sing a song during the ceremony. I am still in the process of coming up with a list of songs for her to choose from. I wanted her to just go ahead and pick one out but she wanted suggestions.

Also Alyssa's dress is ready for her first fitting this weekend when she gets home, we have measured cousin Ashley so we can get her dress ready, and fingers crossed that Bekah's dress is FINALLY done, after at least 5 fittings. We shall find out tonight when she tries it on again!

If I get the chance tonight I hope to order the flowers, the bridesmaid gifts, the wedding favors, and do some more research on arbors. We are now considering just buying one rather than making it. Also I need to do some research on brown paper colored floral wire. I have no idea if anyone knows what I am talking about, or if it has a specific name, or where to find it... but I need it for my cake as well as the twin's little floral head wreaths I was going to make. BTW I looked at michael's and had no luck, I only saw some on pre-made wreath things. We did however find some vines with blue hydrangeas that we can put on the Arbor.

AHHA! UPDATE: Save on crafts ( a very handy website) has almost anything you may need especially when it comes to DIY weddings, and they even have tutorials. And look what I found!

They called my wire " bark covered natural wire" , which this is even better than what I was thinking of.

My dress is also ready for a third fitting. Pretty exciting!

I am going to do an entirely separate post on my wedding flowers shortly.

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